Contact Us

We would love to hear from you.

Booking with us has direct, positive impact on our community and the environment. We are committed to transparency and ensure that your funds are used directly to support community conservation and economic empowerment.

Note: The quickest way to get in contact is via email or this online form, this is monitored constantly whereas our Whatsapp or SMS numbers may be out of reception if we are trekking and there is no signal.

We are a small community business, so we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible however please be patient with us.

Contact us.


The quickest way to get in contact with us is via email or this online form.

WhatsApp or SMS:
(+62) 812 635 92929 (Rian/Ijal)

Simolap Hot Springs,
Northern Sumatra, Indonesia


Please note:
Making contact is not a confirmation of your booking, we will get back to you to work out the details of your stay before we confirm.