Community-centred jungle treks, adventures & conservation

Why travel with
Simolap Wild Adventures?

Simolap Wild Adventures provides community-led immersive jungle adventures for travellers looking to have an authentic jungle experience while having a direct positive impact on community.

We're a locally owned and and run enterprise, and everything we earn goes back into our community to support the local economy.

We specialise in remote treks that take you into areas not often seen by tourists and is a unique opportunity to explore untouched rainforest.

We use our treks and adventures to provide for our community and fund our conservation work for the Gunung Leuser Ecosystem.

Choose your next adventure

Simolap Wild Adventures was founded to support our community and our conservation organisation called Komunitas Penyelamat Leuser (KPL). KPL is supported by the Indonesian Government through the Gunung Leuser National Park Service (Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser).

Sumatra Gibbon

Conservation & Volunteering

We work closely with our conservation group and are constantly engaged in the protection of our jungle, and implement local solutions within our community. We would love for you to visit and contribute to our work or learn more about what we are doing!

Our Guesthouse

Come and spend some time relaxing in the jungle, and stay with us right on the border of Gunung Leuser National Park. We invite our guests to join us for mealtimes and enjoy eating home-cooked food sourced from our organic permaculture garden.

Sumatra Jungle Trekking - Conservation

Meet the Team

Simolap Wild Adventures is a social enterprise and our team is led by young people who have grown up exploring the jungle. We not only want to share this incredible rainforest with you, we want to work together to ensure a better future for our community and our environment.

Our commitment to
our community

We are committed to transparency and supporting our community. Our philosophy is based on using tourism to support our community’s economic empowerment and the protection of our jungle.

To keep that commitment, we can provide all guests who book a trek with us with a breakdown of where all your tourist dollars go so you can understand the direct positive impact your adventure is having.

Approximately 95% of all tourist dollars spent remain within the community, and the remaining 5% is used to pay for national park permitting, which is used to continue to support conservation efforts (including our own conservation organisation KPL).

What our guests say:

Best experience in my life - sustainable tourism, beautiful jungle, orangutan, natural hot springs and amazing food!

Stephanie A

Rian and his team did a fantastic job taking us around, making sure we were comfortable and the food was amazing.

Michelle L

It was a special opportunity to be completely emerged in the culture and lives of the Indonesian people.

Chenika L

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Contact us to

(+62) 812 653 92929

Please note:
Making contact is not a confirmation of your booking, we will get back to you to work out the details of your stay before we confirm.